
  • Ismed Batubara Universitas Al Washliyah Medan


HAM. Islam, Piagam Madinah


Human rights are the rights a person has had since he grew up and is a gift from God even from birth and is considered human. Thus, the nature of respect and protection of human rights is to maintain the safety of human existence as a whole through the action of equilibrium, namely the balance between rights and obligations (no right without obligation and no obligation, no right without duty and no duty without right = ), as well as a balance between individual and public interest. efforts to respect, protect and uphold the ham, become a shared responsibility between individuals, governments and even countries. as well as in the interests of the individual shall not undermine the public interest. Islam has introduced human rights to the world through the Medina Charter, long before the west is shouting about the importance of human rights. The Medina Charter is the world's first written constitution. Medina Charter is a Political Legal Document which became the forerunner of the birth of Medina State in the 7th century AD. This is in line with Hobbes's concept of social contracts between peoples to achieve common goals. Yastrib which previously became the domicile of the tribe of multiethnic and religion clearly requires an agreement in order to protect both the immigrants (Muhajirin), the recipients (Anshor), and the Yastrib population itself. Constitutionalism in the Medina Charter clearly differs from other constitutions, especially in the modern world. This is because Medina Charter itself is a breakthrough in its time. The gentlements agreement with which the political legal document between Muhajirin, Anshor and the indigenous is a common vision and mission in forming civil society to achieve common goals such as security, welfare and justice.





